Kamis, 10 November 2016

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Biography K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah

            Given a glimpse of the history of the birth of the organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU),
In addition to fundamental figures K.H.Hasyim Ash'ari and K.H. A.Wahid Hasyim also known K.H. Hasbullah Abdul Wahab who was instrumental in the process of standing up to the development of NU. If the figure K.H. Hashim A.Wahid can be categorized as a leader and role model young people, then K.H. Wahab Hasbullah can be said as being the parent of a series of kiai within the organization. He became the longest scholars who are active in the national political stage. This is because he is acting relentlessly follow three periods, namely the period of the movement to win independence, the leadership of Sukarno and Suharto era. The figure he was known as a hard worker, agile and diligent. Although he was small and did not actually deserve to be called as a warrior, but scholars khos Kyai Kholil Bangkalan Madura, since young call a "tiger". This is evidenced as Sosol scholars who not only dared to bare hands, but also dare to fight through political channels. It was he who founded the organization SI (SI) branch of Mecca. Then he set up a discussion group Nahdlatul Wathan Tashwirul Afkarm, and Nahdlatut Tujjar all of which became the embryo of the establishment of the NU organization. Even in matters of mystic, Kiai Wahab wird Hasbullah has its own not only well respected, but also many believed by the students to facilitate the affairs of his world.
Kiai Wahab Hasbullah is the figure of clerics and scholars who think moderate, pragmatic, and open. He behaved very contextual in view of the laws of jurisprudence so often reprimanded by his teachers, K.H. Hasyim Ashari that the conveying of jurisprudence should not get too far.
From here we need to dig further about the figure and gait K.H. Wahab Hasbullah. Of the various references that can find is in preparing this paper, may be beneficial for all of us, especially for those who want to make him as an example.
       Birth and Childhood
Kiai Abdul Wahab Hasbullah born to Kiai Hasbullah and Nyai Latifah, in March 1888 in Tambakberas, Jombang, East Java. Wahab small Hasbullah spend more time to play and have fun like little kids that period. Since childhood, Wahab Hasbullah recognized as a leader in every game.
K.H. Wahab Hasbullah a descendant of King Brawijaya IV and met with a pedigree K.H. Hasyim Ashari on progenitor named Kiai Shoichah.
Pupillage K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah from small to large is spent in boarding school. For approximately 20 years, he intensively explore the religious knowledge of several schools. Because the growing environment of the boarding school, start early and he taught moral theology at the elementary level. Included in this course are taught the art of Islamic calligraphy, tambourine, barjanji, diba ', and sholawat. Then do not forget to teach tradition honoring ancestors and the ancestors of science, namely the pilgrimage to the tombs of ancestors and do tawasul. He educated his own way of life, a students. He led the prayers, and occasionally woken up night for Tahajjud prayers. Then Wahab Hasbullah led him to memorize Juz 'Amma and reading the Quran with tartil and fluent. Then he was educated to know the books of yellow, from the book of the smallest and the contents required for amaliyah everyday. For example: The Book Safinatunnaja, Fath Qorib, Fath Mu'in, Fath Wahab, Muhadzdzab and Al Majmu '. Wahab Hasbullah also studied Science Tauhid, Tafsir, Ulumul Quran, Hadith and Hadith Ulumul.
A strong will to gain knowledge as many looks since childhood diligent and intelligent to understand the science studies. During the six years of beginning his studies, he was trained by his father, had when she was 13 years old, Wahab Hasbullah wander to study. So he went to a boarding school to other schools.
Among the schools ever stop Wahab Hasbullah are as follows:
1. Pesantren Langitan Tuban.
2. Pesantren Mojosari, Nganjuk.
3. Pesantren Cempaka.
4. Pesantren Tawangsari, Along.
5. Pesantren Kademangan Bangkalan, Madura under the care of Kiai Kholil Bangkalan.
6. Branggahan Pesantren, Kediri.
7. Pesantren Tebu Ireng, Jombang under the care K.H. Hasyim Ashari.
Lodging Pesantren Tebu Ireng, he was long enough to be students. This was evident, for about four years, he became "headman cottage", a top job that can be sampled a students in a boarding school, as a proof of trust kiai and pesantren (Mashyuri, 2008: 83).
   Married and Fostering Household
In 1914, Abdul Wahab Hasbullah married with Kiai Moses named Maimunah. Since then she has lived with in-laws in the village Kertopaten Surabaya. From this marriage was born a son in 1916 named Wahib, who later became known as Kiai Wahab Wahib. However, the marriage and the foster home did not last long. His wife died while they were both a pilgrimage in 1921. After that Kiai Wahab Hasbullah married again to a woman named Alawiyah, pitri Kiai Alwi. However, this marriage did not last long sebeb after getting a son, his wife died. Likewise for the third time he had remarried, but the marriage did not last long. It is not clear what is the name of this third wife, Also, the cause of the dissolution of marriage are not long, whether because his wife died or divorced.
From here he remarried, fourth marriage performed by Asnah, putrid Kiai Sa'id, a trader from Surabaya and had four children, one of whom was named Kiai Najib (deceased) who sekanjutnya care of Pesantren Tambakberas.
But again, this is not a lasting marriage back. Nyai Asnah died. Then Kiai Wahab married again for the fifth time with a widow named Fatimah, son of Haji Burhan. From this marriage he did not get a descent. However, from Fatimah he obtained a stepchild one big later named K.H. A. Syaichu.
This is where a lot of people scoffed Kiai Wahab behavior. Not infrequently, many have labeled him as a "handyman kijaji marry" because setekah Yea, he married again for the sixth time. This time with children Bangil Kiai Abdul Madjid, called Ashikhah. Even this marriage did not last long because when the pilgrimage together, Nyai Ashikhah died. From this wife he had four children.
Marriage belaiau last, the seventh is the sister Ashikhah, named Sa'diyah. With this woman marriage Kiai Wahab peaked, meaning lasting until the end of his life. From this Sa'diyah Nyai he get some offspring, namely Mahfuzah, Hasbiyah, Mujidah, Muhammad Hasib and Raqib (Masyhuri, 2008: 84 and Aceh, 1957: 125-126).
K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah served Rais Aam organization Nahdlatul Ulama until the end. NU 25th congress in Surabaya was last entered. Khutbah al-iftitah congress is commonly done by Rais Aam then handed over to K.H. Bisri commonly assist him in performing his duties as Rais Aam to read. K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah leaving the conference in a state of acute pain. Almost five years she suffered eye pain that caused his health has declined.
Finally, just four days after the conference, or rather Wednesday, 12 Dzulqa'idah H 1391 or December 29, 1971, Kiai Wahab Hasbullah died at his home, boarding school Bahr Ulum, rice ponds, Jombang (Masyhuri, 2008: 107).
Struggle K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah can be said to be linked to the issue of the movement, organization, or the term political Islam. The initial steps taken struggles K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah namely through education. He founded the madrassa named "Nahdlatul Wathan". Madrasah name deliberately chosen Nahdlatul Wathan which means: "the rise of the homeland" is proof of the ideals of pure Kiai Abdul Wahab Hasbullah to free the nation from the shackles of colonial Dutch.
According K.H. Muhammad Ghozi Wahid (grandson of Kiai Wahab) in the events of Nov. 10, Mbah kiai Kholil along great, as Kiai Bisri, Sheikh Hashim Ash'ari, Kiai Wahab Hasbullah and Mbah Abas Buntet Cirebon, mobilize all his magical powers to fight the allied forces. Hizib-hizib they have deployed all to face an opponent fully armed and modern. Pebble or jagungpun hands kiai it can be enabled into large explosive bombs.
Hasyim Ashari when Japan arrested around April-May 1942, Kiai Wahab and K.H. Wahid Hasyim together kiyais repeatedly engage in dialogue with Saikoo Sikikan (supreme commander of Japanese forces in Java) to fight for liberation Hasyim Ashari. According to historical records, the arrest background by the fatwa K.H. Hasyim Ashari, which forbids his students do saikere, namely the obligation for all Indonesian people to bow ninety degrees towards Tokyo to honor Tenno Heika, King of Japan. K.H. Hasyim Ashari mengaharamkan those actions and edicts he submitted to Saikoo Sikikan. During the one month's time spent on the issue menagani. Once beyond the hard struggle and full of risk, finally terbebaslah Hasyim Ashari of the Japanese military government custody after more than four months he was imprisoned by the Japanese. However, Kiai Wahab unfinished work up here. Then go Kiai Wahab Hasbullah to Wonosobo for the release of 12 people NU ulama through Japanese courts.
No less important attention to the steps taken another struggle Kiai Wahab. This is important because inside Kiai Wahab apparently saved some rare properties owned by others. He is the type of human being sociable and easy to adjust to the environment. However, he is also a scholar of the most resilient and defend the establishment. He is known as a defender of boarding scholars (ulama bermadzhab) from the attacks of the modernist anti sects.
Whatever the name of madrassas in some branches it must be behind it listed the name "Wathan" which means homeland. This means that the ultimate goal is to build the spirit of patriotism. Unless struggling with Nahdlatul Watan he is also active as an advisor in Masjumi consisting of the NU and Muhammadiyah. Previously he also co-founded MIAI (Ala Indonesia Islamic Council) together K.H. Achmad Dahlan (Muhammadiyah) and K.H. Mas Mansur (non-party) driven by the awareness needs to create an atmosphere of good relations between the party and the Islamic organizations at the time. MIAI established in Surabaya on September 12, 1937, but in October 1943 the Japanese disbanded because it is considered harmful to the position of Japan.
SI (SI) is the next movement he founded with his colleagues when he was studying in Mecca. This movement is not just gather scholars from Islamic circles aur ground, but this movement also wants to promote the Islamic lower and lower economic knowledge.
He also can not let the attacks launched by the modernists to scholars bermadzhab. Anyway, the attacks might not be faced alone. Therefore, in 1924, Kiai Wahab open courses "Masail Diniyyah" (special religious matters) in order to increase knowledge for young scholars who maintain boarding schools. Thus, Kiai Wahab has also built quite powerful defense for resisting the attacks of the modernists.
Furthermore, when Islamic leaders got an invitation from the King of Hijaz, he formed the Khilafat Committee and named "Committee Hijaz" with the permission of K.H. Hasyim Ashari. His eminence established the "Committee Hijaz" as a form of response to the "wahabisasi" in Arabic influence on the issue of freedom of worship in accordance with his beliefs. The committee then sent its own delegation to the Makkah-Madinah. And the Committee of Hijaz who later gave birth Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama, so the presence of NU can not be separated from the struggle K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah.
If aligned with Gus Dur (Abdurrahman Wahid), then Kiai Wahab Hasbullah have many similarities which are based on his time each. Both are highly controversial figure among scholars and politicians. Abdurrahman Wahid, known as scholars and intellectuals whose attitudes and political maneuvers that do often lead to questions about the integrity and consistency of ideals and the ideals of the struggle. Then why Kiai Wahab Hasbullah also so controversial ?.
Among some of the things that makes Kiai Wahab become a cleric and politician and scholar whose controversial among Muslims in Indonesia is when heightened conflict between modernists and reformers with the traditionalists, he appears as the "guardian" traditionalism by forming Taswirul Afkar in 1918 which then executes debate on issues debated traditionalists and modernists at the time.
   Field of education
According to him education is not to be done in schools and educate children should be appropriate to the circumstances that people need, but that does not mean forgotten pesantren education. Therefore besides he did study in Pesantren Tambak Bahr Ulum, Jombang, also conducts education outside schools aimed at the general public and educated by establishing discussion groups named Tashwirul Afkar. Through Nahdlatun Wathan he also has successfully established several schools in various areas, among others:
1. Schools / Madrasah Ahloel Eathan in Wonokromo
2. School / Madrasah Far'oel Wathan in Gresik
3. School / Madrasah Hidayatoel Wathan in Jombang, and
4. School / Madrasah Khitaboel Wathan in Surabaya (Mashyuri, 2008: 86-87).
   Religious field
Kiai Wahab Hasbullah concept of religious, especially the role of Islam, more berreferensi of Sunni religious and political traditions pla Sunnah wal Jama'ah ahlus movement. His thoughts are more open with no harsh or fanatic of an opinion, the pragmatic truth in order to find a solution together, and the need for urgent and important and contextual, or what is known as moderatisme.
Progressivity concept Kiai Wahab movement Hasbullah apparent when he participated in the organization of the birth of Islam NU. Why such a case is referred to as the progression of thought movement of Kiai Wahab Hasbullah?
Not least because the organization of movement in Indonesia when it emerged from among the educated or of the city endowed education incidentally Dutch creation. Education is highly stressed modern rationality in looking at the issue of life. While the traditional Islam is the most traditional communities, among farmers, many of whom view of the pattern of life is still little affected modern national idea, because they rely on the reading of his yellow books they learned at the school.
Narrated by Saifuddin Zuhri in one of his books, biography Wahab Hasbullah, described as follows:
"The three of us, Kiai Wahab, Mr. Idham, and Saifuddin Zuhri equally sits on the board to represent NU supreme consideration. Months of today's talk of "socialism Indonesia", "land reform", "Pancasila" and others. There are two aspects that are always considered by NU in the discussion. Socialism Indonesia by NU must Indonesian-style socialism and not socialism-style communism, either Moscow or Peking. Indonesia Socialism is none other than the fortified ualah state ideology Pancasila and the Constitution of the State that guarantees every resident runs his religious beliefs. Meanwhile, on the foundation of "reform", basically NU can approve it during this movement does not have the intent to eliminate private property and state. According to Islam, each property must be protected and defended, but also required to do justice. "(Zuhri, 1983: 72-73).
         For Hasbullah Wahab, a basic value of democracy is to humanize humans and set it to the pattern of human relationships can be mutual respect for difference and able to work together so as to create mutual prosperity.
Size persona K.H. Wahab Hasbullah not lie in the book of his scientific work, because else is to say he did not leave a bouquet too, but the ideas and knowledge capabilities described where in many occasions and events. Maybe for pure intellectuals, who like to analyze from text to text only, it is very unfortunate. At least, he found time to write guide books menkadi politicians according Aswaja concept.
However, it is not really a hundred percent if Kiai Wahab Hasbullah just a political figure or scholars alone. He was known as silat and expert kago wird. It is said everywhere, Kiai Wahab mention diploma, various hizib, wirid to all citizens NU da anyone requiring self-immunity. He expressed the Muslims not only authoritative and respected for his knowledge, but also because awrad. One relic wird Kiai Wahab terkaenal and commonly practiced, especially among boarding school until now, sampled from Mashyuri Azis books, namely:
            "Maulaya Shalli wa sallim da'iman abada
                        'Alal habibika Khairil khalqi kullihimi
            Huwal Habibul ladzi turja syafa'atuhu
                        Likulli hauli terminal ahwali muktahimi ".
Proverb states "there is no ivory that is not cracked," the authors write as reflaksi Kiai Wahab Hasbullah figures in this paper. He was a great man, all the people who admit it. However, Kiai Wahab Hasbullah also a man. Humans remain human remains on the nature of humanity, can be angry, be forgotten or wrong. Because otherwise he certainly was an angel.
Pemakalahpun in this case see figure beliaupun so. Speakers do not doubt the role of the various movements and organizations that he realized in it, especially in the organization Nahdlatul Ulama, who was born in 1926 and has grown to become the largest organization among the majority of Muslims in Indonesia.
According Budiawan, a great temptation always facing biographers is a tendency to get stuck into the personification of the values ​​on the figures themselves that are the subject of writing. The more so when motivations are beyond academic interest, the temptation is greater the more inevitable.
If the temptation is even greater, not infrequently encountered a biography that tells the story of a character beyond its capacity as a human being. Biography of this kind was clearly no longer talking about the human story, but the story of the man who has been crowned as the "demi-god" or "gods".
Budiawan in this case agreed with the Ralph Ross, that biography is not entirely science, but rather are at the boundary between science and art.

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